Mata Amritanandamayi’s 70th Birthday with Community, Environmental, and Health Initiatives

Day – 1

Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary, Tirupur Celebrates Mata Amritanandamayi’s 70th Birthday with Community, Environmental, and Health Initiatives

In honor of Mata Amritanandamayi’s 70th birthday, students from Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary, Tirupur, joined for a meaningful day of service. The event, “Sevanavaram, featured various activities to benefit society. Students of grade 6, 7, and 8 participated in a nature walk, emphasizing environmental responsibility and planted saplings to boost the local ecosystem. Simultaneously, 11th-grade students visited Avvaiyaar Anbu Illam, a local orphanage, sharing clothing and fresh fruits generously provided by their younger peers. They also displayed cultural activities. In collaboration with the local Primary Health Centre, the school organized a Health awareness program with Smt.Dr.Shankavi Shanmugavel MBBS Medical officer – Government primary health center Mangalam as the Guest of honour, and as a part of it, vitamin A syrup was provided for KG (kindergarten) children, providing essential nutritional support to around 135 young children.