Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary is greatly honoured and privileged to organize this mega sports extravaganza. The tournament was held on 4th Nov 2023 for the girls at the fabulous games arena at Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary, Tirupur. It was quite an overwhelming response , for there were nearly 470 girls in 39 teams participating from 19 schools of Coimbatore Sahodhaya. The tournament began with a spectacular inaugural ceremony . It commenced with traditional lamp lighting ceremony and prayer invoking the blessings of the God. The function as presided by Shri. P. Manikandan , The Director, KPR International Centre ,KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore and Smt.MuthuLakshmi, The Director of Physical Education , KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology.Ku. Richitha ofGrade 11 welcomed the gathering.ThePrincipal Shri. Vidhyasankar felicitated the guests . The Chief Guest , Shri. P. Manikandan , The Director, KPR International Centre addressed the gathering and declared to open the tournament symbolically by letting a white pigeon to fly in the air.The enthusiastic players assembled at the court and started their game. The Valedictory session was presided by Shri. V.Ganesh, The Divisional Manager ,Canara Bank Regional Office ,Tirupur and Smt. Baby Valarmathi, TheManager , Canara Bank, Mangalam, Tirupur . The results of the Under 14 category were disclosed and the players were honoured . In Under 14 category , Navabharath National School, Annur has won the game and the runner was SugunaPip School, Coimbatore .The teams who have secured the third place in all the 3 categories have also been honoured. The 44th Coimbatore Sahodhaya Inter School Girls Tournament 2023 was unfortunately forced to stop due to the incessant rain on 04.11.23. The finals of Under 16 & 19 categories were rescheduled for 07.11.23. The rescheduled matches took place on time and the results were declared. Shri . S.Vidhyasankar, The Principal , Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary , Tirupurhonoured the players . In Under 16 Category,Vel International Public School has won the game and the runner was CS Academy, Coimbatore. In Under 19 Category CS Academy , Coimbatore ,has won the game and the runner was Navabharath National School, Annur .The Overall Championship Trophy was lifted by CS Academy, Coimbatore .The school thanked the EC and SPC members for having grant the opportunity to host the 44thCoimbatore Sahodhaya Inter School Girls Tournament 2023. The valedictory session ended with Santhi Mantra .