Successful Chandrayan -3 launches Celebration Thiruppur – August 24 Amrita Vidyalayam, Tiruppur enthusiastically celebrated the India’s successful launching of Chandrayan 3 on 24.08.2023. The Principal Shri. Vidhya Shankar started the function by lighting the lamp and that was followed by prayer. The Principal then explained clearly about the India’s pride, the successful launching of Chandrayan 3 to the Moon. Shri. Govinda Raj, the Science HOD effectively discussed the launch of Chandrayan 3 and clarified the doubts of the students . The successful launching of Chandrayan 3 was displayed visually. Finally sweets were distributed to everyone and the function ended with santhi mantra.The thought of our Former President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam in bringing India to the toppest place in every aspects has come true.